26 December, 2016

Solving the Goilla Glue setting in the bottle problem, hopefully.

I haven't ever had good luck with Gorilla Glue. It sets up in the bottle after one, maybe two uses and is worthless. I have read on many different forums that a way to stop that is to store the bottle upside down. Well Gorilla Glue bottles aren't exactly made for that. So instead, I went ahead and whipped up a quick and simple bottle hanger that stores it out of the way, and upside down. Will keep it out of harms way while not using it, and with any luck, will keep it from going bad on me...

There's other ideas / designs for this that could have been used, I went with what made sense to me...

Please, if you like my videos, like and subscribe to them on Youtube as well. It really helps me get a feel for what's working for y'all. 

25 December, 2016

Merry Christmas 2016 from Dave's Workshop!


21 December, 2016

Drill Master 18v cordless drill vs. 3/4" Auger bit and 2x4. Who will win?

I make no apologies for my general disdain for cordless power toolls. The battery type not the human powered ones that is.... But they serve a purpose. One of my main objections to cordless power tool technology is the overall lack of power compared to corded models,

But hey, they serve a purpose right?

And for me at least, the main purpose is to drill holes in things that are too far away from wall power to be reached effectively by a corded drill, such as drilling 3/4" holes for stump rot in a tree stump.

So to show you how this works, I gave my Drill Master cheapie a full charge, chucked up a 3/4" Irwin SpeedBor auger bit, and got after a hunk of 2x4 scrap.

Watch the video the see how the demo went!

19 December, 2016

Using a cheap Harbor Freight hand riveter to create awesome dust collection joints.

For those of us using S&D PVC pipe and fittings for dust collection ductwork, or even for those using metal, you need to fasten pipe, to fittings in such a manner as to not cause excess interference with the airflow of the duct. A fellow member of Lumberjocks pointed out the screws sticking out intot he air stream in my last dust collection video which inspired this idea. So thank you to Dr. Jim Bertelson for the idea!

11 December, 2016

Dave explains how a Thien trash can cyclone separator works... as best he can.

The title pretty much sums it up. In this video I try to explain as best as possible how a Thein separator / baffle actually functions.

Dust collection ductwork flaw fix.

The whole point of my blogging, and vlogging is to share with you my successes, and mistakes in this DIY journey that is Daves Workshop. Well, I made a stupid mistake / assumption when I installed the dust collection ductwork. I don't recall exactly why it was only the down pipe that didn't have screw holding it together, but.... Well it is only the down pipe and it had just HVAC aluminum tape holding it together. After the years of use, it finally came flying apart after I got the Thein separator shelf project done, and I had to do something... Here is what I came up with, mistakes and all... I hope you enjoy!

Remember if you like my videos, please remember to click the like button and subscribe buttons on Youtube to get alerts to new content. I am aiming for 3 ish new videos per week, so keep checking back often!

09 December, 2016

Installing the Thien Cyclone Separator shelf.

In this video I finish the build of, and install the shelf that I am using to support my Thien trash can cyclone separator for the shop vac. Mind you, since I got the dust collector the shop vac has seen very little use in the shop, but I find it super useful for doing things like drywall sanding etc.... where the fines would just kill a shop vac filter in short order...

Please remember, if you like my videos, click the like button in Youtube, and subscribe to my Youtube channel to get notifications when new videos are published!

05 December, 2016

Dave builds his Thien Trash can cyclone separator shelf.

I mentioned on other platforms that I was going to build a shelf to hold my Thien trash can cyclone separator mostly to get it out from under the table saw. I need the space under the saw for storing things like totes of table saw and router accessories.

Well I shot some video (not my best work) of the build process... There are some good pointers on getting accurate cuts, how to line up for a cut etc... And an illustration of terrible Japanese pull saw work. Kind of a something for everyone into woodworking thing...

I hope you enjoy, and stay tuned, I am putting out the video for the install of this in a couple of days. I already have it mostly done. Just need to finish the ending credits and produce it...  Oh, and the video for the install is MUCH better than for the build. Again, sorry about the video quality. I shot it all holding my smart phone by hand. Not my best idea ever...