05 December, 2016

Dave builds his Thien Trash can cyclone separator shelf.

I mentioned on other platforms that I was going to build a shelf to hold my Thien trash can cyclone separator mostly to get it out from under the table saw. I need the space under the saw for storing things like totes of table saw and router accessories.

Well I shot some video (not my best work) of the build process... There are some good pointers on getting accurate cuts, how to line up for a cut etc... And an illustration of terrible Japanese pull saw work. Kind of a something for everyone into woodworking thing...

I hope you enjoy, and stay tuned, I am putting out the video for the install of this in a couple of days. I already have it mostly done. Just need to finish the ending credits and produce it...  Oh, and the video for the install is MUCH better than for the build. Again, sorry about the video quality. I shot it all holding my smart phone by hand. Not my best idea ever...

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